Data on Trends and Waiting Times for Entry Into Nursing Homes for Respite Care and Night Respite Services

Debated in Parliament on 7 Aug 2024.


  • Dr. Syed Harun Alhabsyi inquired about data on five-year trends and current waiting times for entry into nursing homes for respite care and night respite services.
  • He also questioned if there are differences in waiting times based on patients' needs, specifically for general care, psychiatric care, and intellectual disabilities.
  • Minister Ong Ye Kung stated that this question has been addressed in a written answer provided in the Official Report dated August 6, 2024.

Summary written by AI (edit)

Full Transcript

Syed Harun Alhabsyi

Dr Syed Harun Alhabsyi asked the Minister for Health (a) whether the Ministry has data on the five-year trend and current waiting times for entry into nursing homes for the provision of respite care services and night respite services respectively; (b) whether there is a difference in waiting times for respite care services for patients with general needs, psychiatric care needs and intellectual disability; and (c) if so, what are the differences in waiting times presently.

Ong Ye Kung

This question has been addressed by written answer to Parliamentary Question No 35 on the Order Paper for 6 August 2024. [Please refer to "Trend and Waiting Times for Nursing Home Admission for General Care, Psychiatric Care and Intellectual Disability", Official Report, 6 August 2024, Vol 95, Issue 138, Written Answers to Questions section.]